Land Trust
We’re celebrating 35 years of safeguarding local forests, fields, and waterways!
Act with impact - donations go to real conservation projects!

Be a Conservation Hero!
Right now, ONLY 5.6% of the land in Otsego County is protected from commercial or residential development.
You can make a real impact by protecting land forever. Donations to Otsego Land Trust go directly to conserving fields, forests, and waterways in our own region. THE TIME IS NOW to save our scenic views and beautiful hillsides, the waterways we love, the farms that feed us, and the forests that give us clean air. Conservation easements help private landowners protect their land FOREVER. They still own and use their land, knowing that it will remain intact no matter who owns it in the future. Help us conserve more of the Otsego region’s natural resources. Thank you for all that you do!

A community-based non-profit
How you can help:
We’re embarking on a huge connective corridor project - it’s our region’s best chance to stay climate-resilient, scenic, and healthy! The time is now before development pressures become too strong. Protecting land secures basic human needs like air and water. Let’s be intentional about our future.
Many property owners are interested in protecting their land under conservation easements, but we need money to cover these costs. Conserving a piece of land requires a survey, legal consultation, and other professional services, just as in any real estate transaction. These expenses add up quickly. As a community-based nonprofit that relies mostly on individual donations, covering the expenses associated with conserving land is always a challenge. We are raising funds to help pay for these costs.
Help us create a legacy - a connected corridor that keeps our communities vibrant and beautiful. Will you help protect hundreds of acres simply by contributing to some of these expenses?