Martha Quarkenbush
Gifts of Land & Other Assets
Are you interested in donating your home, a second home, or a piece of property that is part of your investments? If so, you would likely receive a tax deduction for the full value of your gift.
Otsego Land Trust accepts gifts of real estate, such as urban and suburban lots, or rural properties specifically for the purpose of re-selling them and applying the funds to further our conservation efforts. Lands with significant conservation value will be sold pursuant to the placement of a perpetual conservation easement, or, based on location, may be retained by OLT and added to existing public access lands for the enjoyment of the community.
These gifts can make a significant impact on our ability to serve the conservation needs of our region.
Prior to accepting such a generous gift, Otsego Land Trust staff and board would work with you to determine if the organization can accept it.
To clarify next steps please contact your financial advisor and call Gregory Farmer, Executive Director at 607-547-2366, or email gfarmer@otsegolandtrust.org
Otsego Land Trust, Inc.
Federal Tax ID 13-3499394