Ed Brodzinsky
Planned Giving
When you leave a gift to Otsego Land Trust through your will, your passion lives on. You can help make sure farms and woodlands are conserved, wildlife thrive, and the young people of our region have the opportunity to experience nature in a way that creates a life-long bond.
Join a growing number of people who are ensuring the healthy lands and clean water of our region will be here for generations to come. Making a gift in your will is easy to do, and allows you to accomplish your personal and philanthropic goals.
How to Donate Via Your Will
You can donate a stated amount of cash, real-estate (houses, land, businesses) appreciated assets (stock investments or paintings, for example) a portion of your retirement fund or life insurance policy, or the residual after your estate has been processed pursuant to your wishes.
You can also stipulate a gift of a specific amount of money from your estate, a percentage of your estate, or even the residual part of your estate.
We suggest you consult your attorney or estate planning advisor, and if you have questions, please call Gregory Farmer, Executive Director, at 607-547-2366, ext 106, or email gfarmer@otsegolandtrust.org
Sample language for a bequest to Otsego Land Trust
“I hereby give to Otsego Land Trust, Inc., a nonprofit located in Cooperstown, New York, with a business address of 101 Main Street, P.O. Box 173, Cooperstown, NY 13326, and with a tax identification number of 13-3499394, the sum of __________ dollars [or describe other gifts or assets] for its general purposes and use at the discretion of Otsego Land Trust’s Board of Directors.”
Why people choose to make a Bequest
It is not payable until death, so it does not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime.
It is revocable—you can change the provisions in your will or trust at any time, and
It is private—your will is not filed or made public until your death. Should your circumstances change, you can change your will at any time.
Please let us know about your designation in your will so that we can properly thank you in your lifetime!
Otsego Land Trust, Inc.
Federal Tax ID 13-3499394