Where do you go when you need to find inner peace?

In nature we find comfort & joy
Nature has a profound impact on human well-being. We all know it intuitively, and science indicates the effects are very real. Let’s honor and preserve spaces for rest and restoration so that we can continue to enjoy them, as can future generations.
Your contribution toward our year-end goal of $150,000 will immediately increase the number of acres that we can protect forever.
We all benefit from conservation, protecting farms, forests, fields and wetlands in Otsego, Delaware, Herkimer and Schoharie Counties. Together with private landowners, we conserve more than 12,000 acres throughout the Upper Susquehanna, Schoharie, and Mohawk River watersheds.
Your year-end gift will promote environmental quality and access to nature throughout the region.
Otsego Land Trust is the only local nonprofit organization that protects land and water in perpetuity. The gift you make today is a promise of rest and respite for plants, animals and humans. It is a promise to provide access to nature for everyone.
The actions we take today ensure a sustainable future. Please donate to Otsego Land Trust to support local conservation for generations to come.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.
~John Muir
A meta-analysis of almost 1,000 studies published in the National Library of Medicine found that the impact is profound when people spend time in nature. Of the studies analyzed, it was shown that across all the studies: 92% demonstrated consistent improvements across any health outcome, 98% show improvements in mental health, 83% showed improvements in physical wellbeing, 75% showed improved cognitive health.
This holiday season, we’re fundraising to conserve natural spaces that offer rest and respite for plants, animals and humans.