A Promise for the Future
Landowners Art and Peggy Palmer
We hope this will eventually become a place where people can walk,” said Peggy Palmer as we finished a stroll through their 80-acre property nestled in the hills of Oneonta. “Hopefully people will enjoy it in the future,” she reflected.
Margaret and Arthur Palmer have elected to leave their property as a gift to Otsego Land Trust in their will. “Knowing the Palmers helps us learn about their connection to the land and honor their wishes,” said Cherise Tolbert, Development and Communications Manager. “Their gift is an incredible commitment to conservation, both meaningful and intentional.”
Art and Peggy’s bequest shows how people can make major contributions to conservation in their lifetime and leave legacies that will extend for generations. The Palmers were both leading scholars in geology and cave systems, serving as faculty at SUNY Oneonta. “The landscape here,” Arthur explained, “was formed when glaciers plowed through the land.”
The idea of conservation started when the Palmers heard that bankers in Oneonta were planning to develop a residential subdivision. Rather than see the forested land logged and regraded, the Palmers slowly purchased it parcel by parcel, leading to their eventual ownership of 80 contiguous acres. Over time they created thoughtful trails throughout their property, leading to what the Palmers call their “puddles” – small natural ponds brimming with salamanders in spring, a sign of a healthy ecosystem. The trails lead through old and young forests carpeted with forget-me-nots and other wildflowers. Remnants of an old farm, including old stone walls and a carriage wheel, hint at the history of land use.
The Palmers still hike their land frequently, and enjoy spending time in the rustic cabin overlooking one of the puddles. They envision that the land will someday support academic research and public enjoyment – a legacy for generations to come.
If you would like to explore the idea of leaving a gift to Otsego Land Trust or have already named us in your will, please reach out to us at info@otsegolandtrust.org or 607-547-2366.
We accept gifts in many forms:
Will/Living Trust
IRA/Retirement Account
Charitable Remainder Trust
Bank, Brokerage, or Other Financial Account
Gifts of Land