Scenic Hills, Breathtaking Valleys, Healthy Forests, Clean Waters
Thoughtful landowners like you can ensure vibrant, successful, and healthy communities with good farmland, clean air, abundant water, and a high degree of climate resiliency. It’s a wonderful way to keep your land as healthy as it is today. We are so grateful for your partnership.
Protecting your land forever is a heartfelt promise to current and future generations.
Marvin Glass, Conservation Easement
A conservation easement allows private property owners to retain ownership of the land while protecting it from degradation or intensive development. The easement ensures an ecologically sound future for the land, allowing normal use while protecting forests, wetlands, farms, scenic vistas, and open spaces.
The conservation easement is a legal document that runs with the deed and stays with the land through all subsequent owners. So you can sell the property, or pass it on to your kin, and the easement stays intact into the future.
When you grant a conservation easement, you still own the property. You can live on the land and continue to farm, manage timber, hunt, fish, and enjoy recreation on it. You can sell the property or transfer it to heirs, maintain or build a limited number of homes or other structures, mortgage or borrow against the value of the property, and choose whether to restrict or allow public access.
The benefits of protecting your land are numerous, including peace of mind, responsible stewardship, and possible tax benefits. Conservation easements can take effect during your lifetime or as part of your estate plan.
Give us a call and we’ll start the conversation!
(607) 547-2366 |